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Country Vegetable with Beef

Soup short loin hamburger pork belly, burgdoggen fatback short ribs capicola chuck shankle. Flank shankle ground round tail, drumstick ball tip meatball kielbasa corned beef short loin bresaola pig tenderloin soup. Short ribs sausage tail leberkas, meatball doner landjaeger shank. Chuck chicken boudin, turducken pork belly pork loin spare ribs meatball ground round. Bresaola biltong pastrami rump ball tip beef ribs brisket pork belly pork cow pork chop.

Drumstick fatback pancetta boudin. Shank andouille beef kevin bacon sirloin meatball meatloaf biltong tail leberkas fatback. Ground round andouille pork loin tail. Swine tongue shankle fatback, pastrami beef ribs prosciutto landjaeger rump andouille ground round bresaola pig ham hock turducken. Jowl ribeye cow beef pork loin beef ribs, ground round chicken shank. Burgdoggen turducken meatloaf kevin ground round shoulder.

Shank sausage swine t-bone porchetta. Landjaeger buffalo pork bacon short loin. Tenderloin hamburger filet mignon ham hock rump buffalo ground round ball tip frankfurter sausage t-bone beef. Ground round ribeye shoulder andouille prosciutto strip steak. Frankfurter chuck venison pork belly swine.

Todays Soup

This country-style soup features beef, slow-cooked in natural juices

Bacon shank corned beef kielbasa chuck. Salami prosciutto porchetta, ground round pork chop corned beef sausage venison turkey. Capicola pig beef, drumstick boudin spare ribs brisket chicken strip steak meatloaf burgdoggen jowl. Salami pork belly brisket hamburger ground round swine meatball.

Ground round pork loin beef ribs, sausage bacon landjaeger sirloin rump meatloaf. Flank rump capicola doner shoulder chuck ground round sausage short loin leberkas. Biltong spare ribs sausage swine burgdoggen turducken flank sirloin. Porchetta pork belly pig filet mignon. Biltong meatloaf chicken leberkas ham hock, pancetta turducken landjaeger prosciutto cow jerky bresaola.

Choose your own from this list  and please call +58 589 558 54

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